Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

My shoulder is much better but I thought I would give it a couple more days and start swimming again on Wednesday. That will mean I will miss a total of three swim workout...o-well, what can you do! I also skipped a core workout on Friday b/c I had the day off and didn't drag my lazy ass to the gym!

Thursday: BRICK....23 bike & 4 on the run
Friday: Off (Yes I am weak!)
Sat: 54.75, 2:55 on the bike...... 2.67 on the run right after.... Still trying to figure out this nutrition thing w/ Perpeteum.... I am going to try to wake up earlier than normal this coming Saturday, eat and give it longer to digest before I start my ride. I waited longer after breakfast to start my ride this weekend and I think it helped a bit.

Stomach wasn't great on the ride but wasn't aching or limiting me.......... I cramped up big time on the run though but was able to hold pace, although my HR was higher than it should have been.

I used 2 bottles of Heed, one Aero bottle of water and one, three hour bottle of Perperteum. I am going to try a 2d bottle of water and reduce the amount of Heed...... w/ make up for electrolytes with powder. I am trying to stay in the 18-24 ounce range recommended by Hammer. I was in the 320 range for calories an hour and will try reducing that this week.

Sun: Monster 15.1 mile, 2:19 run.... felt awesome the first 8 miles then my gel flask kept slipping out of my fuel belt and it was like my running mojo was slipping out with it! I just couldn't maintain 9:00 for the last six miles and saw my pace slipping as it got hotter and hotter. I need more fluids on the run and I need to have refills that are cold. I also forgot my flask for miles 11-15 so I was hurting big time but never stopped running.

I tried to take in about 10 ounces of fluid and a gel every 30 minutes. I need water to dump on my head when it is hot though and some more to drink. I am much more comfortable taking in fuel on the run than the bike...weird I know but I can gauge what I need better. My right calf cramped up a bit, went away and came back the last few miles...... could have been the wine I drank (recovery purposes only of course!) Sat night or it is simply another contributing factor to my weak right leg!

Over 13 is out of my comfort zone. I remember training for the KC Marathon last year and how painful that 15.5 and 18 mile runs were....that is the pain I felt on Sunday! Hopeful I will have similar results!

I feel great legs are sore but not too bad..... My right hamstring feels the best it has since March..... hopefully my hammy issues are in the past! Huge week this week capped of with a 5:00 bike ride on Sat and 13 mile run on Sun. Just hope my shoulder comes along and stays healthy. Just need to temper my enthusiasm about my hammy and save myself for Saturdays ride.... this is week 3/4 bike focus. The third week is always rough!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good luck with your training. I'll be cheering you on in November!