Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Training plan cross road!

I am at a cross road with my training plan......... I had been doing a 3 week build followed by a fourth week of recovery.......things were working great until my body broke down last week (week 3 of 4). In fact I had an awesome week 2. I know that week 3 is the toughest week but I just couldn't get my legs to go...... So now I am pondering:

#1 Why did I break down week 3:
- simply too much for my body w/out enough recovery
- went to hard on week 2 workouts (did speed on bike and run and went too fast on my 55 mile ride)

#2: Should I hold the plan I have while taking an extended week of rest or should I go to a 2 week build followed by a one week recovery........not sure what to do!

Any one have any thoughts?

Once thing I am pleased with is that I recognized my body falling apart and made modification to the plan for the weekend however I wished I had seen the signs prior and laid off a bit week 2.

Tues: Biked 45min/ 13 miles / PM: met Gregg at the lesson just swimming... we went 40 minutes. (estimate it to be about a miles)
Wed: Ran 32 min this morning, did core at lunch

Gregg sent me some more video... I will see if I can get it posted...

I should have a new camera by tomorrow so I will be able to post some photos up.....

Duke 1/2 IM this weekend...........we w/ see how it goes....pray for a wetsuit legal race.

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