Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday morning uneasiness!

Sat: Took the entire day of less a core/ weights/ stretching workout. Would have skipped this as well but Meg really wanted me to go to the gym with her and I owe her for being such a good sport all the time. Hurricane Hanna hit us but was only a tropical storm.

Sun: Went out to the lake and met Gregg. He took some more film, showed me a couple drills to work on my roll and we swam about 800M. Also worked on sighting. Shoulder felt pretty good and I am working on entering the water earlier and keeping that 10 degree bend to lessen the stress on my shoulder.

We had a snack and then rode 49 miles....2:54.... slow pace and I felt good at the start but my lack of fueling up, soreness and inadequate supply of liquid on the bike did me in after 1 1/2. It was also pretty darn hot. Awesome riding out in the Southern Pines/ Carthage area.

Mon: Ran five miles this morning in just under 45. HR 149

Last night when I got back I had a snack and was waiting for dinner but got this piercing headache........don't know what happened but I had to go lay down.....Meg let me sleep for 45 minutes and I woke up to a much lesser headache and it finally dissipated after a while.... it had to be my poor fueling yesterday coupled by the heat and lack of fluids.... although I did drink 40 ounce of water on the drive home...... anyway I was still two pounds lighter today than when I woke up yesterday and my stomach wasn't great this morning. My HR was way to high for the pace this morning and the same thing happened to me yesterday on the bike....very weird.... Normally I would never ride at 17.4 MPH and have a 150HR. I am still attributing it to fatigue and the fuel issue.....

I am going full bore with recovery this week. Only 45 min bikes and 30 minute runs the rest of the week. I am going to take either Thursday or Friday completely off. I am going to the lake at least twice this week. I am going to make sure I eat right as well. These are my pledges to myself!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Nice solid training. Good job.