Monday, August 11, 2008

Wed (6) - Sun (11)

I ran 7 Wednesday morning at a comfortable pace...was only suppose to do 6 but was jumping that night and anticipated that I would have issues running on Thursday (I Was right) . The run was mainly on the trails...easy 8:40 or so pace...HR around 140.

Went to the pool at lunch to see how my shoulder was feeling.... went a total of about 800M. Shoulder wasn't ready for prime time yet so I laid of in hopes I would be able to get my long swim in on Friday.

We jumped Holland Drop Zone Wednesday night. It is my most hated of all drop zones and one that I have never walked away from and said....boy was that an awesome jump. The first pass got scratched so now we have to get everyone out the door on one pass. I get so focused with getting everyone out the door that I lung out the door with a couple of seconds of green light remaining not paying attention to my exit. This causes me to have a weak exit and results in many twists in my parachute. I landed on my right side (yes the one that as been hurting me) and I think I landed on my canteen. The pain pulsated through my right leg.... I checked myself...everything was in place....just ringing a bit..... I collected all my gear threw it on my back and starting the 1K shuffle of the drop zone to the rally point.

That night I iced my point of impact with the canteen (right hip/ buttocks). I could barely walk the next day...iced and motrin. I had to skip the brick I had planned and just be happy that I could walk.... Right now it is still tender to the touch (huge black and blue).

I was feeling a little better by Friday and got my long swim in....2000 Meters total. 400 Warm up, MS 900 free/ 100 breast/ 300 pull/ 200 breast for a total of 1500 straight. 100 CD. I had a headache by the end of the swim and wasn't sure why..... Biked an easy 19 that afternoon and every rotation of the pedal hurt. I know I need the miles though so I just endured the pain and hoped it would subside..... also noticed by front wheel on my tri bike seemed off.

That night I was conducted my prep for next mornings ride and realized my front wheel was completely out of true.... a spoke was very loose and there was something rattling in the wheel. I cursed myself for not checking it earlier when the bike shop was still open...... and then pulled my Colnago of the bike rack...the always ready and dependable Colnago was ready to roll in no time even thought the tires on that bad boy need to be changed. They are pretty flat in the center...almost like slicks on a mountain bike! I continued to ice my hip/butt that night.

Didn't turn my alarm on so I woke up 20 minutes late on Saturday! Had some oatmeal/ coffee and got on the road at 0730. I knew after the first mile that my leg would hold up but would be a limiting factor. I did a first loop in about 2:20 and then made a pit stop at the house and got fresh bottles. By this time I knew I wasn't going to meet my goals so I made new ones and grinded out the miles. I did a shorter second loop and finished right at 4:00. My nutrition on the bike was essentially the same as last week but my stomach was upset this week and I had a headache. I figured out that night that my allergies were effecting my sinuses.

My goal was to avoid all the major hills this week, go over 70 miles with an ave pace of over 18. the only thing I accomplished was avoiding major hills. A little disappointing but I rationalize it like this: 1. I could barely walk on Thursday...2. road bike is slower than tri bike....3. sinus headache the entire ride....4. trailing fatigue ( week this week!) 5. Maybe I am just week! Regardless I got my miles in and completed my time in the saddle.

My alarm went of at 0620 on Sunday and I thought about shrugging it off but knew if I did I would regret it..... got up, ate/ coffee/ and got my stuff ready to run. We went out to the All American Trail at the far end of Fort Bragg. It is a soft, forgiving trail, that is undulating and darn right hilly in spots. The soft sand is a challenge but more so for Megan on her bike who seems to always find the soft sand going up is so funny to see her take a digger! Normally I would bring the dogs but an nervous about snakes....I can just see Stella trying to play with a Copperhead! I think I will wait a month or so until it starts getting colder.

So we set running and Megan riding. First six miles I am shaking out my legs and average 9:07 a mile... During 6-9 I bring my ave pace back down to 8:55 and let it slide to 9:00 by the end of the run. My right leg (hammy) started to throb at about mile 11 but is was bearable pain so I endured. I finish 13 right at 1:57 and am happy with the run...

Overall a good week of in all long workout..........survived falling out of an aircraft at 1000 feet above ground level and got over 10 hours of good base training in to boot! Rest week this week!

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