Friday, August 15, 2008

Mid rest week!

Mon: Swam 1400M
Tue: AM: Bike 40 Min
PM: Core/ weights
Wed: AM: Ran 7 miles (raining & if you can believe this a bit cold!) hate running long in my cotton Army PT shirt!
PM: Swam 1400M
Thur: AM: Bike 42 Min/ core & weights
PM: Ran 4 miles
Fri: Swam 1600 (1000M freestyle straight)

So far the rest week has been good! I switched around my workouts so I could take Sunday off completely and do stuff with Meg...... Yes, that is my attempt at finding some balance in my life!

I know I originally said I would cut everything to 70% of last weeks effort but I modified that a bit to get a stronger body isn't use to this volume and biking over 60 and running over 10 the next day is something I need to ease my body into.

Just tired on Mon- Tues.... Wed was sore for some reason in my hamstrings and buttocks.......might be from the dead lifts I did! Is it smart to just start throwing in weight training now?............ I am not sure but I never claimed to be the smartest guy anyways so screw it! When I can fit it in I will do it! Thur was still sore but feel much better today.

I keep getting this headache when I swim long sets. I was talking to a guy today who said it may be b/c I am exaggerating my breathing for a long periods of time and need to breath normally (easier said than done!) while swimming.... I think it happens when I get fatigued...... not good seeing how IM is a 4000 meter swim! I think for next weeks long swim that every 400M I will do a 50 breast stoke to see if that prolongs the onset of a headache.

Got in a bunch of Hammer strength product this week...... ordered their shorts but I didn't realize just how short they are......... No one could ever claim that I am shy but I just don't need to be prancing around in short shorts! I wish they were longer b/c they have sweet little pockets to carry stuff...... but o well!

Did not want to swim today but made myself.....I've been a bit down b/c of my cycling performance from last week. I am going for 2 1/2 tomorrow and won't kill myself....... the problem isn't my wind or HR, rather the strength of my leg to keep going at a high rate of speed. Every long bike workout's ave MPH has gotten consistently slower during this phase. Trailing fatigue...... uncharted biking territory........injury limiting performance.........I am just slow........ not sure what it is.........

Just back from lunch and my morale is soaring after my four Macadamian Nut Cookies! Bring on that long bike tomorrow!

Got tickets for Arizona yesterday..... extended our stay in Az for a day at the hotel in Scotssdale so we can enjoy the area for a day after the event.......

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