Sunday, October 5, 2008

So I aqua jogged for 32 minutes on Friday. I also did about an hour of Yoga.... the class was much better than Wednesday. I will be committing myself to Yoga from now on.

Saturday was a monster day for me. I woke up at 0700, ate 1 cup of oatmeal, a yogurt drink and some coffee.....and prepped my equipment for my 5:00 ride.... I rolled about 0800, but turned around after 1/4 a mile...I was freezing.... I couldn't find my arm warmers and started in just a short sleeve shirt......bad call..... I threw on a wind breaker and full length gloves and got back on the road. (I finally found my arm warmers Sunday night). So I finally get out of the neighborhood, drop into my Aero bars for a down hill and notice my water bottle and Perpetuem is again I turn around and head back to the house.... a very inauspicious start to the ride!

Hour one goes well... a little slower than I would have wanted but no worries... The weather is nice but chilly...the sun is starting to kick up though so it is warming up.... nothing exciting ....just grinding out those miles..... At 2:15 I stopped to take off my jacket. Again, I am not really sure of my exact location but I have an idea..... I find that same gas station I was at last week at about 3:00.... I go in and get a couple bottles of water and some fig newtons...... I scarf one, 100 calorie bar down, mix some perpetuem and roll....

I am feeling good, pace is around 17.0, a little slower than I hoped but I am fine with it considering my injuries and set backs. I loop back into the farm roads around Raeford and finally start heading home about 3:50. It took a lot of mental strength to do that extra loop at 4:30 to get my time in the saddle but I didn't want to regret not doing it.... I even did an extra lap around the neighborhood to get a full 5:00 in..... I was not a happy camper 4:20-4:50 though. Nevertheless, I got it done and as I turned into the driveway at 5:00, my computer said 84.6. I was spent........ My nutrition was the best yet....

First 3 hours...... 2 1/2 hour bottle of gel at 2:40....48 ounces of water. sip of perpetuem every 20 min followed by water.

Fig Newton at 3:00 and 4:00....every 20 minutes Perpetuem except when I ate the Newtons.... water same as above........minimal issues with the stomach... I need to assess again with a long ride but it seemed pretty good... not great 3:00 to 4:00 but not bad....water seems to flush out the issues pretty good.

Overall I was very happy with the ride. Riding that long alone sucks though.

Sun: Swam breaststroke and kicked for 1100 yards... shld feels much better...did not want to risk it though
Aqua job for 44 mins (I can't wait for my aqua shoes)

Overall a pretty solid week for first solid week in a few.... I look forward to the days I can run outside again but am willing to spend my time doing it in the pool in hopes that I am fully recovered by Nov.


Katie said...

so your hamstring, how is it now? i had a tough spin class last night, and today my hamstring hurts. what do you do about it? can i still run on it? i got 4.5 miles to do tonight. ugh. darn hamstring.

Kevin said...

Katie- Sorry for the late response, its been a hell of a few days. If I wasn't doing this race next month I would completely take some time off until I wake up pain free.
If I were you I would ice, Motrin and rest...... yo can test it out and if i doesn't feel right....stop.