Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One month, 1 Day

That's right........ IM Arizona is creeping up on me! My enthusiasm is guarded though due to my ailing hamstring. It just isn't right and I know I should be resting it instead of training on it but w/ 140.6 miles in my future.......what choice do I have. I do know one thing...........I will crawl over that finish line if I have to. It does feel like it is getting better though so maybe I should rest it?

Monday: Yoga
Tues: AM: Freezing ass cold.... well not really but the coldest its been....sub 40 degrees..... Bike: 1:32.....25 miles, slow, cold and 45 minutes of darkness..painful
Lunchtime: 2000 Yards, 1823 meters in the pool.......was suppose to do more than that but I am weak. Plan to do a big workout on Thursday.

Wed: AM: Ran 3.66 in 30 min, 8:24 pace........felt it in my hammy........ go to straight aqua running the rest of the week.

I think I will lessen the long bike this weekend and put 4:00 in.....and then go to 6:00 the week after. I might also do both Sat and Sun 3:00.........not sure yet. It sure would be nice to have someone to ride with....... I could really use the partner in the swim though.

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