Friday, October 3, 2008

Injury balance

So now that that my hammy is starting to feel better my shoulder is acting up again. I've had about a month of injury free swimming and was hoping that changing my technique would prevent this nagging injury from flaring up. Its not full blown right now so I am hoping for a quick recovery. I started to feel it a bit this weekend...last week was just too much..... I called of my swim yesterday afternoon b/c I could feel it and by the end of the day it hurt pretty bad. Its not as bad as it has been so I am hoping by next weekend to be good. I am still swimming this afternoon but will breast stroke.

On a different but similar front my hammy feels the best it has in a month..... so I going to go straight out and run on it.........wait, no, I am going to go to the pool again and aqua run! See, I do learn.... I am going to continue to assess and hope to hit the pavement late next week sometime.

Wed: Aqua jog for 17 minutes: Only one lap lane has suitable depth for jogging w/out touch the ground. It was full when I got in but asked for permission from those using it to do my thing in the deep end and stay out of there way..... I used an aqua running waist pad thing they had there (shoes not in yet) and went at it barefoot. I feels weird but I will get the hand of it eventually. Today I am going 30-40 and will use the IPOD in my hat technique to help with the boredom.

Also went to Yoga...not overly impressed with the class.... spent a lot of time watching others do things..... I didn't get what I wanted from it but will try again. I spent a lot of time doing my own thing (stretching) during the class.

Thurs: 60 minutes core and weights.......did lots of legs.
Lunchtime: 61 min spin.... 17.8 miles.. Leg felt really good here.

I am very encouraged by my leg.... I will continue to nurse it, stretch, Yoga and stay of it (non road running) until I wake up pain free. I want to heal now and make sure I can get some long runs in, late Oct/ early Nov....

My goals for IM AZ are shifting but my main goal is to still simply finish.

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