Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday morning reflections.......... First you should know I am tired and my legs are spirits are high though! I decided to takes Ed's advice and take Monday of completely. My leg is starting to feel better this morning and I am happy with last weeks trg. That feeling of fatigue from a hard week over rides the annoyance in my right leg/ hip so hopefully that is a sign that i simply need some rest......

Total Trg last week:

total/ total weekly/
time/ dist/ long workout/
S: 2:33/ 5000M/ 2000M

B: 5:06/ 92.4/ 56

R: 2:14/ 15.6/ 9.25

T: 9:53/ 108

Last week was a good week and met all my key goals... Was not happy about loosing a four mile run but my leg still ailes me..... I believe the pain to still be in my right lower back........I went to the Army chiropractor on Thursday but didn't feel as good coming out as I do when I go to the civilian one...may be time to fork out the money and go see the civilian! For me..that long bike and run ended a hard long week of training not seen since last Fall's trg for the Ultramax 1/2. I just looked at my schedule though and it isn't going to get any easier!

My long ride was kick ass.....overcast....high 70-low 80.....18.5 ave pace.....pretty flat road of NC..would go 30 minutes without seeing a car! The road was rough in quite a few areas though so it increased my rolling resistance. 56 is still the farthest I have ever gone so I am breaking into uncharted territory next weekend! HR was low. I used Perpetum/Heed as my primary and a gel for a booster at 2:00. No issues with stomach....less fluids is following the Hammer Guidelines of 18-24 ounces an hour.

My long run was down right painful... My right leg was a mess. I felt like I was dragging it along. Kept my HR low though and was able to out sprint two German Shepherds at mile 7! My new Garmin 405 keeps freezing up when I run also goes back to the time screen after a while.... I hate it and am calling Garmin today.....I should have stuck with my old faithful 301. My IPOD headset connection sucks and kept phasing in and out..... Lets just say I've had better runs!

Long swim was good and after 800M FS went to a combo of pull and breast....that is my plan of up slowly! Had a weird headache after the straight swim..........took my first Motrin since my debacle in Florida. I love the 50M pool now and swimming in it is much easier than just a few weeks ago.

This week potential trg distracters are plentiful...........Airborne Operation (I am not jumping but am pulling jumpmaster duties so there will be no sore knees the next day) on Wednesday and Meg's brother Jack comes to DC to play DC United this Saturday which we will surely go see unless a deployed unit returns to Fort Bragg like it is looking like..... I am still working on the trim in the house after putting in hardwood floors. This is killing my ability to lay on the couch on the weekend and recover! (probably not a realistic expectation anyway!)

This weeks goal:

1. Swim 2X 1600 & 1 X 2300 w/a 1500 meter straight set (5500 total). Regain swimming wind
2. Avoid allowing my ego to take hold and end up running w/ alpha group at physical training
3. Listen to my body do all trg at a moderate pace this week (less some bike speed) in order to
heal my right side/ back..... don't add anything to the front end of the week B/C I feel good!

Not bad for a first blog..... I will update the site soon and get my training plan up.

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