Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sleep less night

Some folks consider a sleep-less night as tossing in turning in their bed. My sleepless night was spent on Sicily Drop Zone at Fort Bragg awaiting for 500 paratroopers to exit an aircraft while in flight. Now, that alone should not have caused my sleep less was the Soldier who landed in the trees, never turned in his parachute and told no one. We didn't find his parachute until 0730. I came right back to work to save the drive home and I was starving! Its going to be a long day......I need more coffee.

I can't believe this but I took two full days off last week from working out and ran only once. I am taking this hamstring thing seriously after my set back 11 days ago. This morning it feels terrific but my knees hurt......that may be b/c I was crammed into a vehicle trying to stay warm last night.

I have been going to physical therapy and she had me use a myo release ball which really allowed me to hit the problem area. Everything else I had been trying just wasn't hitting the mark. I ordered one yesterday and should have it at the house by Thursday. It really helped me hit my targeted problem area.

I feel good today but am tempering my enthusiasm. The PT said it could take up to 12 weeks to completely heal. I'm not going to blow it this time. I just keep telling myself that I have a long future in triathlons if I a smart and listen to my body. I am still not signing up for any races in April. I will do nothing that involves speed until Mar. My only goal is to race Vineman in July healthy..... I'll take under trained!

Mentally I don't feel like a triathlete and yearn to push myself. I want to thrash myself on the track so badly. For now though, I am working on my weight and am down 6 pounds. Still focusing on weights, core, flexibility and healing.


Katie said...

wow crazy night....looks like ill be missing out on another season..thanks to rob .. ;) ... you should come to co for a race! robs been looking for one to do

Rachel said...

Parachute chasing? Crazy. Rest up and heal better. You'll come back stronger. You're smart for thinking of the long run.